If you don’t know what you’re talking about, it’s probably a good idea to just keep your trap shut.
Especially if you’re sounding off about the female anatomy. If you screw that one up, you’re really gonna look like an idiot.
And you might get put on blast like these folks did.
1. Think about it…
Photo Credit: Reddit
2. Clueless
Photo Credit: Reddit
3. Don’t throw up!
Photo Credit: Reddit
4. Oh my God
Photo Credit: Reddit
5. Hmmmm
Photo Credit: Reddit
6. Start munching
Photo Credit: Reddit
7. Nice work
Photo Credit: Reddit
8. No, sir…
Photo Credit: Reddit
9. Genius
Photo Credit: Imgur
10. Wow
Photo Credit: Imgur
11. Thigh gaps
Photo Credit: Imgur
12. We have a scientist here
Photo Credit: Imgur
13. Childish, huh?
Photo Credit: Twitter
14. Half dog/Half human
Photo Credit: Twitter
15. Discharge
Photo Credit: Twitter
Time to study up, friends.