We’re taught from our youngest days to NEVER TALK TO STRANGERS (or to take anything from them). But sometimes opening up to people we don’t know really pays off in a big way.
These 15 photos are proof of that.
1. Aren’t you glad you did it?
Awwwww! She looks so happy!
Photo Credit: Twitter
2. Couldn’t resist the urge
Quench that thirst!
Photo Credit: Twitter
3. Santa saves the day
Sometimes he doesn’t wear his suit… but it’s him!
Photo Credit: Twitter
4. Smiles for days
That’s quite a smile Cameron! Good job!
Photo Credit: Twitter
5. This is awesome
Those kids are going places with that kind of attitude!
Photo Credit: Twitter
6. Went the extra mile
Thank you photographer stranger!
Photo Credit: Twitter
7. Where were you?
“I almost cried”
Photo Credit: Twitter
8. Goals for days!
“That’s my husband.”
Photo Credit: Twitter
9. Send me that pic!
They really do… and it’s magical.
Photo Credit: Twitter
10. Friends all the same
Met IRL and then friends for lyfe!
Photo Credit: Twitter
11. C’mon in kid!
You’re part of the family now!
Photo Credit: Twitter
12. Helping out the youth
Gotta get that kid to school, yo!
Photo Credit: Facebook
13. Pure joy
Just making life a little bit happier.
Photo Credit: Facebook
14. Excited
“And I get to see my wife now and I’m sooooo happy!”
Photo Credit: Tumblr
15. A great kid
And he’s socially distanced too!
Photo Credit: Reddit
Wholesome as can be, right?
Which one of these memes did you like the most? Have any you want to share?
Do that in the comments!