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15 Profiles for Everyone Struggling with Tinder Right Now

Via: saltywithbutter on Reddit

Tinder is a weird place. Spending any amount of time on there, you’d be hard pressed to know if profiles were set up in an attempt to attract people or just meme really hard.

Either way, they often make for great screenshots, and those get shared with the world, and you’re part of the world, so today we’re sharing them with you.

Enjoy these 15 Tinder profiles that are just trying to make their way in this life.

15. An angel

Lookin’ pretty good for someone who is probably both in severe pain and heavily drugged.

14. I smell a rat

“Report rat” is what I’ve been trying to do for months but my landlord never responds.

13. Call it in

Yes, ma’am.

12. See the sights

Hey man, it’s a tough job. It would scare the crap outta me.

11. Under the sea

This is why gas prices are always so high.

10. Heat me up

And she’s a stage manager apparently for that extremely depressing musical, so the work convos should be fun.

9. Blood in the water

We were so busy wondering if we could we forgot to ask if we should.

8. Gotta jet

Yeah, that seems fair enough.

7. Basic anatomy

Hey, it’s a start.

6. Benjamin Button syndrome

I never actually saw the movie, is that how it ends?

5. Throwing shade

Well, he’s got ya there.

4. Mono e monopoly

Are we absolutely SURE that’s not code for something?

3. Taken

Jesus take the wheel. Not hers though, please.

2. Mama Mia

Here she goes again.

1. Cries for help

It’s these experiences that mold us into who we are.

Best of luck, dating searchers.

What’s your best or worst experience on Tinder?

Tell us about it in the comments.

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