These are pretty confusing and chaotic times.
If you’re smart enough to find the meaning or the through-lines in what’s going on in the world, you’re probably smart enough to find the patterns in this set of memes. They seem random – but ARE THEY? Or are they the complex breadcrumbs dropped by a shadow cabal of the elite for keen-eyed observers such as yourself to decipher and reveal the truth to the world?
Nah, they’re random. Enjoy.
15. For spite
If Seinfeld taught us anything, it’s also not a reason to return a jacket.

Via: someecards
14. Good guy Google
Like their slogan says, “Don’t be evil, and snitches get stitches.”

Via: someecards
13. Tomato, tomato
Plus they taste worse cause I’m bad at gardening, so nobody wins.

Via: someecards
12. Supa hot fire
The stickers make it faster, the fire makes it scarier.

Via: someecards
11. Hunger and thirst
This is the life hack I didn’t know I needed.

Via: someecards
10. Keeping it together
I’m doing just fine and so am I.

Via: someecards
9. Follow the sound of my voice
Idiot is lost again.

Via: someecards
8. Out of the black and blue
Just leave the dead to their dying.

Via: someecards
7. Morning Joe
I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the audacity.

Via: someecards
6. Getting schooled
Old lessons are not easily unlearned.

Via: someecards
5. Tower of terror
RIP bunny boi.

Via: someecards
4. Mind over matter
I sure show them. Silently. In my mind.

Via: someecards
3. Shades of grey
Printers are the ultra-divas of the technology world.

Via: someecards
2. Grow a spine
I gotta be the muscle AND the bones around here?

Via: someecards
1. Very alarming
Nothing gets me up faster.

Via: someecards
If you managed to decipher the clues, congratulations, you just wasted a whole bunch of time.
What do you think the true meaning of memes is?
Tell us in the comments.