Is there anything better than a meme? I’m talkin’ a truly random, unexpected in the best way, no reason to exist but no reason not to, grass-fed, full-fat meme. If there is something better, I don’t want to know about it. I want to spend my days scrolling in bliss.
Here are 15 of the most random memes around to give you that serotonin injection your brain’s been craving today. Enjoy.
15. They make quite a pair
Via: anlyin on Imgur
14. She’s cold
Via: anlyin on Imgur
13. A sign of the times
Via: anlyin on Imgur
12. Hey all you cool cats and kittens
Via: anlyin on Imgur
11. Lose the fluff, that’s the stuff
Via: rochita on Imgur
10. Gulls with gall
Via: rochita on Imgur
9. Speech: 100
Via: rochita on Imgur
8. Uncle Sam wants everything
Via: rochita on Imgur
7. I can dig it
Via: rochita on Imgur
6. Ah yes nevermind
Via: rochita on Imgur
5. The beak is bleak
4. Next level cheating
Via: rochita on Imgur
3. God save the Queen
Via: rochita on Imgur
2. Squirrel, please
Via: rochita on Imgur
1. Courtesy is key
Via: rochita on Imgur
Like I said, nothing better than a meme. You know what I meme? They truly bring memeing to my life.
Which one is your favorite?
Sound off in the comments.