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15 Reluctant Pet Owners Who Eventually Came Around


It may be hard to believe, but a lot of people aren’t super thrilled about getting a pet initially. I remember when I was a kid and my mom finally convinced my dad to get a dog, he was…indifferent.

Of course, Quincy became a part of our family and we all fell in love with him.

Hey, sometimes it just takes a little while. Like these reluctant pet owners who came around eventually.

1. Grandpups

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. No couch for you…until now

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. You are equals

Photo Credit: Reddit

4. Besties

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. Hate turned into love

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. I love this!

Photo Credit: Reddit

7. All tucked in

Photo Credit: Reddit

8. Raincoats

Photo Credit: Reddit

9. Now you have both

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. Not anymore

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. Lulu

Photo Credit: Reddit

12. Dinner is served

Photo Credit: Reddit

13. Dang cat

Photo Credit: Reddit

14. They always say that

Photo Credit: Imgur

15. BFF

Photo Credit: Twitter

Now let’s all say it together…awwwwwwww.

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