Now isn’t that curious…? I have absolutely no idea what any of these signs mean!
Using quotation marks unnecessarily just really throws everything out of whack.
I can only imagine how confused the people were who actually encountered these signs in real life. Read on to see what I’m talkin’ ’bout.
1. “Okay, I won’t do cocaine”
Photo Credit: Reddit
2. Sure you’re a doctor?
Photo Credit: Reddit
3. Wink wink
Photo Credit: Reddit
4. What is ‘Milk’ code for?
Photo Credit: Reddit
5. No
Photo Credit: Reddit
6. Is that a threat?
Photo Credit: Reddit
7. You’re certain about that?
Photo Credit: Reddit
8. We’ll see…
Photo Credit: Reddit
9. But we can negotiate…
Photo Credit: Reddit
10. That’s not good
Photo Credit: Reddit
11. Friend or enemy?
Photo Credit: Reddit
12. “NOT”
Photo Credit: Reddit
13. Might have to break these rules
Photo Credit: Reddit
14. Sandra, what are you trying to say?
Photo Credit: Reddit
15. This one is a real mind bender
Photo Credit: Reddit
Maybe I need to review these one more time to see if I can figure them out.