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15 True Crime Tweets You Will Find Hilarious, But Your Friends Will Think Are Truly Disturbing

What can we say? True crime fans are a different breed.

We laugh in the face of danger… as long as it’s on television, in a book or on a podcast. Then we’re brave AF!

These 15 tweets just scream “true crime lovers unite” so tuck in and enjoy!

1. All good in the hood…

2. Everybody’s got their pastimes…

3. That’s dedication!

4. Sounds like you’ll find out eventually!

5. I have an idea…

6. She smart…

7. Really though…

8. Listen here gurlll…

9. If they only knew…

10. Impressive…

11. Parents!? What’s wrong with you?!???

12. If you’re care to not get murdered… this is self care.

13. Detective material…

14. Yes you do.

15. Step away from the cliff…

So, real talk… if an actual murderer came along… would you be ready?!

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