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15 Posts From Tumblr That Might Change Your Outlook

Sometimes it’e best not to think. Just read and let the wisdom flow over you and try to soak it in through your eyeholes.

Honestly, I have no idea what I’m saying, but these people do. Because they’re god d*mn geniuses.

Especially the acoustic toothbrush.

You’ll see…

1. How Inception Started


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3. Nobody wants to go that deep

4. This is super week

5. Screaming Trees? Good bad name. Oh wait…

6. Goolicious

7. Hard sell. Paid off.

8. Oh, this is important. This means something.

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9. Spongebob thoughts…

10. Oh SNAP!

11. I don’t need this much genius in my life. Less pls.

12. Ain’t that the truth!

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13. I know PLENTY of real centaurs. Pffft.

14. Why must we even think about such things?

15. I drink your milkshake! I drink it up!

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That was fun! Want to do it again sometime?

Yeah you do. Just search around and you’ll find a link to some other fun list like this.

Don’t worry, we’ll wait.

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