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16 Funny Memes That Should Provide You With Some Comedy Relief

©Unsplash,Bimata Prathama

It’s that time of the day when you ignore your work for a few minutes, look at some funny memes, laugh, and then you feel refreshed and re-energized!

Right? It’s the time, yeah? Oh, you’re on Mountain time? Well, wait an hour then.

Yes, these memes sure do hit the spot in the department in your mind brain that’s labelled “comedy fun fun times.”

I don’t know what I’m saying. Let’s just get started in…3…2…1…GO!

1. Now what?!?!

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Give her a break, okay?

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. This is gonna be intense.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

4. Those are fightin’ words.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

5. Non-stop chocolate party.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

6. Which one are you?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

7. Not sure how to respond to that.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

8. What the F are you doing?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

9. Put the weapon down.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

10. I can relate to this.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

11. Go ahead and skip all that.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

12. Up to no good.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

13. Split personality.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

14. Shouldn’t have said that.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

15. Think she’s into me?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

16. Pretty much ever time I’m in an Uber.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

That feels better, doesn’t it? I got some good laughs out of the way and now I can resume my day!

Well, actually… I’m probably going to go find some more memes and make some more posts. Because that’s what I do.

So the more memes… the merrier!

But enough about me… what about you? Which meme out of that bunch was your favorite?

Let us know in the comments!

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