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17 Funny, Random Tweets We Found That Made Us Laugh

Image Credit: Twitter

It takes time and effort to keep up with the Twitterverse, so why not sit back and let us do some of the work for you?

That’s what we’re aiming to do with this curated list of 17 tweets that we just don’t think your week would be the same if you missed – so grab your coffee, sit back, and spend a little time with Twitter before getting on with your day!

17. Like a groundhog popping up in the spring.

16. It’s funny, because it’s true.

15. Watch where you’re going!

14. Listen to ya girls.

13. It really is depressing.

12. I’m not fit for public consumption.

11. That sounds like a terrible idea.

10. What hoodie? I see no hoodie here. *Jedi wave*

9. If you think that’s a get out of jail free card, though, think again.

8. I want a guy who looks at me like this.

7. No sense trying to be something you’re not, little juice.

6. I can’t either, Lisa.

5. My kingdom for a not-Matt.

4. I’ve been hurrying this whole time I swear.

3. They can’t REALLY eat food duh.

2. Tastes like rage first thing in the morning.

1. Kids can feed your ego as easily as they can crush it.

I hope you agree that these were can’t-misses that were worth your scrolling time!

Did you love these? Which was your favorite?

We want to hear from you in the comments!

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