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18 Times People Totally Misused Quotation Marks and It Was Hilarious

Image Credit: Reddit

Language can be hard thing to tackle. It’s way too formal sometimes, there are a lot of rules, and let’s face it, most of us spend more time composing tweets than research papers.

So when we do something wrong (on purpose or by happy accident) it’s important to be able to laugh about it…because the alternative is just too sad.

These 18 quotation mark misuses are here to make you giggle, if you’ll let them.

18. I bet someone put a call in to their agent.

17. Truth in advertising?

16. I gotta tell you, that’s not very inspiring.

15. Does that mean I have to “comply” with demands?

14. When you know you’re driving a kidnapper van but don’t make anyone feel better.

13. It’s quite a fun game to try.

12. Just the way you want to be remembered forever.

11. That church is old school.

10. But please, carry your wallet and kid on your person at all times.

9. That’s not the way to get people to touch anything.

8. Nothing about this okay. At all.

7. And please, have your Epi-pen ready.

6. Yeah, that’s not at all okay.

5. It’s too small to contain a horse head, I guess.

4. SO reassuring.

3. Does that mean what I think it does, or…?

2. This is so ironically funny and awful.

1. None of that is happening, including your re-election, I’m afraid.

I know I’m guilty of this once in a while, but by far the best ones are the on-purpose “mistakes!” Ha!

Which post is your favorite? How do you like to deploy your air quotes?

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