Is there some kind of national group that comes up with hilarious and thoughtful church signs? Because you can find them EVERYWHERE, all across the country. From coast to coast.
Some are funny, some really make you think – which is, I guess the entire purpose of these signs in the first place. Gotta get people into seats, and if you can make ’em chuckle on the way in…well, then everyone’s happy!
Still, there is a clear art form to the church billboard; here are 25 of the best that people shared on Twitter.
1. They sure do
Photo Credit: Twitter
2. Good work, Noah
Photo Credit: Twitter
3. A classic Father pun
Photo Credit: Twitter
4. That is literally true
Photo Credit: Twitter
5. Getting a little risque, there
Photo Credit: Twitter
6. Shots have been fired!
Photo Credit: Twitter
7. A solid one
Photo Credit: Twitter
8. But how is it churchy?
Photo Credit: Twitter
9. A little unusual for a church, but okay
Photo Credit: Twitter
10. Now that is good
Photo Credit: Twitter
11. Sounds tasty
Photo Credit: Twitter
12. Also, you know…good for the soul
Photo Credit: Twitter
13. Let God sort ’em out
Photo Credit: Twitter
14. This is downright incredible
Photo Credit: Twitter
15. Kindness > Hatefulness
Photo Credit: Twitter
16. Don’t text and drive
Photo Credit: Twitter
17. If we all lived this way, the world would be amazing
Photo Credit: Twitter
18. Lol, bummer
Photo Credit: Twitter
19. Seriously, people
Photo Credit: Twitter
20. Don’t pray for that
Photo Credit: Twitter
21. I thought she was stuck in the ground for a sec
Photo Credit: Twitter
22. That’s so legit
Photo Credit: Twitter
23. The first, but definitely not the last…
Photo Credit: Twitter
24. You get the gist, no need to go into detail
Photo Credit: Twitter
25. A classic
Photo Credit: Twitter
Which one is your favorite?