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26 Surprising Secrets Husbands Have Kept From their Wives

Source: Whisper

We all keep secrets in relationships. Some of them are pretty small and inconsequential, others would be earth-shattering if they were to be found out. Trying to decide what needs to come out into the light in a marriage, and what’s OK to keep as a personal secret is one of the tougher things to navigate. But some cases are a little clearer than others.

Check out these anonymous confessions from men about the things their wives don’t know about them.

26. In the closet

Gotta be honest with her and with yourself.

Source: Whisper

25. BFF

Exactly how good of friends are they?

Source: Whisper

24. Dirty work

This sentence made me gag a little when I read it.

Source: Whisper

23. Saving up

I hope you’re joking about this.

Source: Whisper

22. Secret life

Don’t you think she’d probably be pretty excited to know all that?

Source: Whisper

21. On the edge

Obviously way too close for comfort.

Source: Whisper

20. Down in the dumps

It’s possible to feel isolated even when you’re have someone.

Source: Whisper

19. Bad to the bone

Sounds like you’ve thought through the cost/benefit analysis.

Source: Whisper

18. A tryst in time

This is quite a bombshell.

Source: Whisper

17. Avoidance

I do the same thing with my cat so I totally get it.

Source: Whisper

16. Man’s man

Do you think she would care if she did know?

Source: Whisper

15. Third degree

In other words, you have fantasies.

Source: Whisper

14. Say my name

To be fair, none of us know either.

Source: Whisper

13. Thrifty business

A penny saved is a penny hidden.

Source: Whisper

12. Baby mine

I’m sure this will work out just great…

Source: Whisper

11. Virtual reality

Gotta put it on pause, I guess.

Source: Whisper

10. K

Well, that’s not exactly a fortune, is it?

Source: Whisper

9. Past encounters of the 3rd kind

I feel like there’s more to this story.

Source: Whisper

8. Unholy thoughts

Better hope Jesus doesn’t tell on you.

Source: Whisper

7. Quiet desperation

But where are the tears coming from?

Source: Whisper

6. The past is present

You should probably come clean about this.

Source: Whisper

5. Grown ups

Which ones?

Source: Whisper

4. Under where?

Hasn’t she noticed that they keep going missing?

Source: Whisper

3. Master of my domain

Boy, marriage sounds like a real hoot.

Source: Whisper

2. Pigging out

I do this every day, so.

Source: Whisper

1. Comic commitment


Source: Whisper

It’s strange to think that by now, at least a few of these have inevitably come out. We can only wonder what the aftermath was. Stay strong out there, and fight for the ones you love, even if things get tough.

Are you married? Do you keep anything from your spouse?

Tell us about it in the comments.

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