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Axe Body Spray Trolls the ‘We Need a Straight Pride Parade’ Crowd

Fair warning, you haven’t laughed this loud in a while.

So then… do you feel left out when Pride Month rolls around? No?

Well, some people have definitely taken issue with the LGBTQI community having a whole month to be proud, so they’re organizing a “Straight Pride Parade”.

Why? Because… reasons?

Naturally, Twitter got in on this nonsense and outlined what a straight pride parade would probably look like…

And yeah, Axe was having none of that…

And did somebody on the internet get upset about that? Yes. Yes they did.

Did that stop Axe Body Spray?

And others wanted to get in on the roasting fun

Lots of khaki jokes…

Twitter can do this all day…

But would this really be such a bad thing? Because comedy…

So maybe we’re looking at this all wrong? If we all come out in favor of these parades, wouldn’t that actually be hilarious?

Food for thought…

Regardless, to Axe Body Spray we just say this, “Well done.”

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