One of the best things about Twitter is reading the clapbacks.
Some responses just go above and beyond though. They’re not putting anyone down; they’re just clever and funny as heck.
Enjoy these delightful, spot-on Twitter responses.
1. Not sushi
But isn’t it even better? I mean, it IS raw.
Photo Credit: Twitter
2. Answer the door
Somebody just buzzed the doorbell.
Photo Credit: Twitter
3. It’s definitely steak
And it looks DELICIOUS!
Photo Credit: Twitter
4. This is awkward
Oh my… should we tell him? Somebody’s gotta tell him.
Photo Credit: Twitter
5. Excuse me
This is speaking the TRUTH!
Photo Credit: Twitter
6. I hate that
Time can mend a broken heart, but NOTHING can mend those earphones.
Photo Credit: Twitter
7. This is a terrible idea
Bruh… WHO designed this?
Photo Credit: Twitter
8. Spelling matters
Photo Credit: Twitter
9. To be fair, it does look like chicken
Is that even real, though?
10. How Kyles are made
Bathed in the drink of his forefathers.
Photo Credit: Twitter
11. It does seem like a message
Or he’s trying to use her to kill others.
Photo Credit: Twitter
12. That poor rat
But he went out drinking the right stuff!
Photo Credit: Twitter
13. Tell me something I don’t know
You’ll never look at “nun” the same way again.
Photo Credit: Twitter
14. Bill Gates HAHAHA!
Did it work yet? Please God let it work!
Photo Credit: Twitter
15. So old
But did anybody have that 1988 Green version of E.T.? Anybody?!?
Photo Credit: Twitter
Good stuff, Twitter! Well done! You made me laugh AT LEAST five times during that run.
But enough about me… what about you? Did you love any of these the most?
Let us know in the comments!