Life is full of stress. Job, family, finances, worrying about the world going to hell in a handbasket. But, here’s the good news: laughter is probably the best cure for temporarily relieving all that stress and tension that you’ve let build up in your body and your brain.

So let’s laugh a little!

Let’s dive in and all take a much-needed break from our daily responsibilities!

1. It’s complicated.

Photo Credit: someecards

2. Very true.

Photo Credit: someecards

3. Give me a few hours.

Photo Credit: someecards

4. Here, here!

Photo Credit: someecards

5. Don’t mess with me.

Photo Credit: someecards

6. Why is this so true?

Photo Credit: someecards

7. She might file for divorce.

Photo Credit: someecards

8. Jameson all day.

Photo Credit: someecards

9. Just like a coaster falling off a table.

Photo Credit: someecards

10. Just roll with it.

Photo Credit: someecards

11. I really hope this place is real.

Photo Credit: someecards

12. Can’t say that I have…

Photo Credit: Twitter

Okay, that made me feel a little bit better…just a little bit…

How about you?

What do you do to relieve stress every day? I mean, besides looking at our articles and meme lists?

Let us know in the comments! We can beat this stress together!