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People Are Text Messaging Their Brother Asking How They Look — 18 People Share Their Screenshot Replies

It all apparently started with this genius…

And then the ball just rolled from there. Because people apparently like to be made to feel horrible?

I mean, what else is a brother supposed to do but just completely destroy you when you ask for it?

Let’s get to it…

1. Well damn!

2. Gak!

3. I did it myself, thank you!

4. Ouch.

5. Sweet.

6. Awwwwww…

7. Same same

8. Oh snap!

9. Answer me!

10. You’re a… meanine!

11. Can’t pull one over on this guy…

12. Highly specific. I like it!

13. Sister talk…

14. Damn autocorrect!

15. Well, you’ve gotta point!

16. This might be TOO nice.

17. Jeezus!!!

18. Exactly what she was trying to go for. Thanks.


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