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Heard of the ‘Moon Selfie’? 11 People Share Pics with Toilet Paper Rolls

Every moth there seems to be some kind of big “moon” even happening, so recently, r/JokeInks posted this photo on Reddit inviting others to join in on the fun of becoming one!

Photo Credit: Reddit, r/JokeInks

Did Reddit respond?

You’re damn right they did!

Here are the best moon selfies ever in the history of moon selfies!

10. Mean Moon

9. Full Moon

 8. Pensive Moon

Photo Credit: Reddit, r/laurasaurus

7. Sleepy Moon

6. Happy Moon

5. Orbiting moon

Photo Credit: Reddit, r/Aeolyon

4. 246 days of Moon

3. Thoughtful Moon

Photo Credit: Reddit, r/flashmanMRP

2. Mustache Moon

Photo Credit:

1. Grumpy Moon

Photo Credit:

Want to try it out? Take a snap and post it in the comments!

You know you want to…

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