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Hilarious Jokes About ‘Social Distancing’ to Laugh at During These Dark Times

©Unsplash,Tim Mossholder

Unless you’ve been living in a cave for the last few weeks, you know that coronavirus is sweeping the globe and we’re in the middle of a legitimate health crisis.

And while we should all be ‘social distancing’ as much as possible, it’s important to keep that sense of humor intact as well!

And, by the looks of it…a lot of people were already doing the social distancing thing long before it became required…

So, remember to wash your hands, avoid large groups, take care of yourself, and LAUGH once in a while to relieve some of that stress.

These jokes should do the trick.

1. Asking for myself…

2. Ready since Day 1.

3. Doing it before it was cool.

4. Your time to shine.

5. What’s the problem?

6. Let them know if you need help.

7. Now you can be cool!

8. A beautiful haiku.

9. They’re definitely ready.

10. This woman is pretty happy.

11. Welcome to my world.

12. Gee, that’s too bad…

13. Doing it on the downlow.

Introverts and social distancing go hand-in-hand…

Are you an introvert? Is the social distancing thing no big deal for you?

In the comments, tell us how you’re coping with this lockdown that is definitely changing all our lives.

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