It’s time to make fun of millennials again! Ya know, it never gets old.
Don’t feel guilty, they make fun of themselves all the time, too.
1. Seriously
You need to send all that monies to us!
2. No handouts
That’s socialism, right? Boomers don’t believe in THAT.
3. No thanks
I’d rather just stay inside where it’s warm and safe. Thx.
4. It’s all a mystery
Unless you understand…. DEBT!
5. Failures!
Yeah, we definitely have it better.
6. You can rent one
Owning one is too costly in these trying times.
7. That’s not enough
Oh look… I can buy that bag of chips I had my eye on.
8. Sums it up
You mean I’ve got money in TWO places? I’m rich, betch!
9. Cocky
That’s just how we roll…
10. There they go again
Down payment… POOF!
11. No housing
Actually… this could be the problem!
12. Survival
Bro… do you even know how biology works?
13. Market yourself no matter what
Side hustles FTW!
14. Uh oh
My finances are ending up in the garbage.
15. You’re doing just fine
I mean… we could be doing worse.
Jokes about millennials: the gift that keeps on giving. And giving. And giving some more.
So now that we’ve filled your brain hole with all of these jokes… we need a little reciprocation.
Tell us which of these made you laugh the most. Do that in the comments.
Thanks, fam!