Being a parent takes a lot of responsibility. But beyond the bottle feedings and weekend soccer games, the unconditional love grows deeper by the minute. From the time your baby is born, your bond never stops expanding, even after they go off to college.

Michael Buble put all that into words with his new song “Forever, Now” and I’ll tell ya, it gave me all the watery eyes. 

I’m not a mom, but I watch my friends raise their children and my heart swells. It’s no easy feat but what’s incredible is that everlasting love.

With lyrics such as these how can you not cry!

I tuck you in at night

Another day has passed

Every week goes by a little faster than the last

It wasn’t so long ago

We walked together and you held my hand

And now you’re getting too big to want to

But I hope you’ll always understand

Within a few lines, Buble has literally managed to span time from a baby to a grown adult, all through a parent’s eyes. OMG, please pass the tissues! 

In an interview with Magic Radio, Buble admits that when he wrote it he never meant to make it personal, but after recording the demo it truly was. He also feels he’ll never perform it live.

“I did a vocal demo…and the truth is I never sang it again. And to this day I’d never sang it again…I’m not ready to handle it yet.”

Even the crooner heart-throb is affected by his own music! This makes me love him even more. Oh, and for all you parents of fur-babies? Yeah, he mentioned that you are parents too with a deep love for your pets. Gah! Does he get any better?

Whether you just had a child, are seeing one off to college, or they are having children of their own, grab the tissues and enjoy this beautiful song. Thanks, Buble!

Hopefully this video filled your heart and gave you tears of joy! I think Buble is out to keep Kleenex in business.