There’s a whole lot that goes into planning a wedding. Where will it be, who do we invite, what will we eat, what will it cost, etc etc etc. But one stress that probably few people are expecting is “Will my mother in law dress like the bride in some kind of crazy attention stunt?” That was the situation one Reddit user found herself in recently. The user goes by the name AITAthedress, so she must have created this account specifically to pose this question. It was posted to r/AITA, or “Am I the as$hole?,” a forum where people describe their situations and users weigh in on who’s in the wrong. Here’s the original post, in which she uses “MIL” for “Mother in Law” throughout:
AITA for making my MIL buy a different dress for my wedding?
byu/AITAthedress inAmItheAsshole
The comment section, which at the time of writing is approaching 500 contributions, revealed two things very clearly:
1) This is a surprisingly common problem that happens to more brides than you’d expect
2) Literally nobody thinks OP is the as$hole in this situation
This is not bridezilla behavior.

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Apparently this happens quite a bit?

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Why would you even want to do this?

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She needs to get off this train.

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Even this woman who let a similar situation go didn’t find fault with OP.

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Many mistakes were clearly made.

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Pics or it didn’t happen?

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There’s no way she wouldn’t have foreseen this.

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There’s really only one answer here.

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This particular comment deserves a thread all its own.

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So there you have it. Don’t dress like a bride unless you are a bride. Even the most unsophisticated among us can probably hold that particular piece of etiquette in our heads. Don’t spoil someone else’s special day, they paid a lot of money for it.
What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen at a wedding?
Tell us in the comments.