Even if you’ve been too busy streaming Even Stevens or Gargoyles to get around to watching Disney+’s original Star Wars offering, The Mandalorian, chances are you’ve seen pictures of baby Yoda online.

Because, y’all. Baby Yoda. Is. A. Thing.

We’re not going to be okay. And neither are these 10 people who can barely stand the adorableness.

10. The mashup we all deserve.

9. Better than Baby Jesus? You decide.

8. You’re going to have to get in line.


7. Why not make it an even dozen?

6. It’s always a good morning with this face.

5. Oh, you have so much to learn, young Padawan.

4. We will defend him to the death.

3. And he’s already 50 so he can totally drink.


2. My heart just exploded.

1. He’s worth the $7 a month all by himself.

As if we needed one more reason to check out The Mandalorian, they had to go and give us this.

Have you see the series? What do you think?

Share it with us in the comments!