Human beings tend to care a lot about what other people think. The secret is, though, that it doesn’t really matter what everyone else thinks, as long as you’re happy and not hurting anyone in the process. The following people have learned that lesson and feel very free to demonstrate it.
Enjoy this collection of people who really can’t be bothered to care anymore.
1. Always make sure your dessert is strapped in tight.

Photo Credit: Imgur: liviemares
2. “I think I did a great job.”

Photo Credit: Twitter: @chris☆
3. When laziness ends up looking pretty cool (that’s a building in there).

Photo Credit: Reddit: Autogegner
4. Not sure if that’s how you fix a laptop…

Photo Credit: Pikabu: NazKom
5. Lisa Simpson, anyone?

Photo Credit: Imgur: ibleeedorange
6. “Wood” you drive this thing?

Photo Credit: Pikabu: Globalzkk
7. Spam roasted over a hand sanitizer flame. My mouth is watering just at the thought.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @shaun ryan
8. Even speed bumps don’t care.

Photo Credit: Reddit: Bronson55
9. Why get rid of old toilet paper rolls when you can just buy a really long rod?

Photo Credit: Reddit: Logan5105
10. “And you’re sure this is in style?”

Photo Credit: Imgur
11. “Well, the boss never told me to remove the ladder…”

Photo Credit: Reddit: AntiCancerAvatar
12. “Stop! Hold it right there! Wait, where are you going?”

Photo Credit: Reddit: Simranjit16
13. Can’t see this being a problem.

Photo Credit: Reddit: Goostavofmars
14. Looks secure to me.

Photo Credit: Pikabu: whiteman1
15. I’m sure that’s regulation…

Photo Credit: Reddit: Adan714
16. In bound, out of bounds…who cares?

Photo Credit: Reddit: StuffyUnicorn