Memes, memes and more memes! They’re everywhere!
Whenever we search Google… they’re there! Even if we’re trying to find a serious image, we find that mockery instead. BUT… it is the perfect escape to share how you feel and ROTFL at the same time.
So hve you ever wondered where the most iconic images for memes came from?
Let’s take a look at the history of five memes we’re sure you’ve seen before…
1. Side-Eyed Chloe

Photo Credit: Imgflip
With over 17 million views on Youtube, this video Chloe was captured as maybe a little confused about going to Disneyland, while her sister, Lily, is crying hysterically. It didn’t take long for this to hit the internet and thus her side-eyed glare became a meme sensation.
2. Ermahgerd Gersberms

Photo Credit: Today
Who can’t laugh at the nerdy girl with the Goosebumps books, pigtails, and a retainer? This picture started circulated the meme world in 2012 and has changed text several times, like my personal favorite “ERMAHGERD MERSHED PERDERDER” and the original “ERMAHGERD GERSBERMS”.
Maggie Goldenberger, the girl in the photo and now a nurse in Phoenix, was 11 when this was taken. She loved acting out made-up characters with friends. So she grabbed her “costume” and shot a hilarious photo. She later posted on social media and a Reddit User reposted the pic.
3. Disaster Girl

Photo Credit: Distractify
This little girl, Zoe Roth looks like she may have started the fire, amirite? That’s not really the case.
“The fire department in our town was test-burning a house, so we went down to check it out. My dad just got a new camera so he took pictures of me and my brother in front of it. I think I just thought it was super weird and dangerous. I didn’t know it was a test fire until later so I was pretty worried.”
It was later picked up online and eventually made it into JPG Magazine
“Funnily enough, some people asked to take a picture with me the other day at work for the first time ever!” Zoë said, who’s now in college. “It affects me when people make games and books with me in, but mostly my life hasn’t changed.”
4. Doge

Photo Credit: Twitter, @castuco
This picture went full force 6 years ago and since then many other Shibu Inu memes sprung from this idea. The original, Kabosu, an 8-year-old recuse dog was discovered in a 2010 blog post. And the Verge was on a mission to find out more. After seeing her pup everywhere online the Owner, Atsuko Sato said, “I was taken aback. It felt very strange to see her face there. It was a Kabosu that I didn’t know.”
5. Overly Attached Girlfriend

Photo Credit: Pinterest, gattospam
Laina Morris was just a gal trying to get Justin Beiber’s attention. He announced a challenge to his fans to make a video countering “Boyfriend” and thus Morris’ character for “Girlfriend” was born. But when a Reddit user screenshotted the infamous creepy look, the meme caught fire.
Recently, she posted a video about quitting YouTube and the reasons why.
Pretty interesting origin stories, right? Wouldn’t have guessed how simple some of these were, yeah?
Let us know your favorite memes in the comments and maybe we’ll do another story about them!