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10 Tweets About Kids That You Might Laugh At


Kids today are living a reality that includes smartphones, constant social media access, and have consumed more mature material (definitely more than me!) by the time they start school.

Just sayin… these kids have wisdom that we just didn’t have at their age.

And these 10 kiddos are definitely no exception!

10. The definition of grown up, obviously.

9. He’s interested in practical skills.

8. Not a bad rule tbh.

7. Too bad this will not apply when mom is really busy.

6. She’s very advanced.

5. Goals.

4. This just made me laugh.

3. Even though he’s obviously just repeating, it’s still funny.

2. She deals with her emotions better than I do.

1. Thank you?

I can’t wait until my own kids can put me to bed at night while they stay up to clean the kitchen!

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