Do you need a little pep in your step today? Something to make the day just a little brighter?
Well, I have just the thing! Here are some funny memes that will get you pointed in the right direction.
1. What we’ve been waiting for.

Photo Credit: someecards
2. Can’t wait to hear this.

Photo Credit: someecards
3. She does not look happy.

Photo Credit: someecards
4. Take note of this.

Photo Credit: someecards
5. Never a good thing to hear.

Photo Credit: someecards
6. Rotten apples.

Photo Credit: someecards
7. Making love connections.

Photo Credit: someecards
8. Dream job.

Photo Credit: someecards
9. Optical illusion.

Photo Credit: someecards
10. Take that outta here.

Photo Credit: someecards
11. You should give it a shot.

Photo Credit: Twitter
12. Sounds like a great night.

Photo Credit: Twitter
Funny stuff, if you ask this guy right here!
Have you seen any extra-hilarious memes lately?
Well, don’t go hogging them! Share them with us in the comments!