Anyone who has ever lived with a roommate knows that it’s pretty darn hard to find a good one. If you manage to hook up with someone that makes co-habitating more easy than hard, most people are more than willing to work out any small kinks.
Which is the case with this Reddit poster, who is living with an autistic man who gets easily overwhelmed by crowds. Since OP (original poster) enjoys having people over and hosting parties, they came up with a compromise – a locked room where the roommate could retreat when things got to be too much.
Seems normal, right? A great example of compromise and understanding each other’s differences?
Well apparently his friends didn’t think so, and demanded to be able to use the “forbidden room” whenever they wanted to get away (or just to be nosy, I presume).
Image Credit: Reddit
Even though it might seem obvious to all of us that OP is NTA (Not The A**hole), apparently his friends are so terrible that they actually convinced him he was being unreasonable or something?
Image Credit: Reddit
Image Credit: Reddit
But no one on the thread thought he or his roommate was TA (The A**hole), and indeed, everyone thinks they need new friends.
Image Credit: Reddit
Making new friends is hard once you’re an adult, so maybe he should just try reconditioning the ones they have.
Image Credit: Reddit
Or turning the Forbidden Room into a gaming and Netflix sanctuary and the two of them could just be awesome together and ditch everyone else.
Solid plan, if you ask me.