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Illustration Shows What It’s like Working as a Woman, and People Got Upset

From the moment we’re born, we each have so many expectations and stereotypes imposed upon our brains that it’s hard to believe we’ve been capable of any sort of social evolution. And yet – somehow – times have indeed changed, forcing more and more people to face the realities of how unfairly we treat the various members of our species.

But with every evolution comes that awkward in-between period. You know the one, right? Where half the world still has no clue they’re lagging behind while the other half just stares at them wondering… HOOOOW TF? It’s basically the p*berty of any social progress. And we’re all right in the thick of it.

So when some guy sees a cartoon reminding everyone of the obstacles women having been gracefully facing for centuries and then tweets about it like it’s some new revelation he should be thanked for having, well, Twitter is gonna have some sh^t to say about it. Here’s what happened.

An illustration by Carlin, Peru’s foremost political cartoonist, was recently published on the Peruvian website La República. The message of the Carlincatura, which is labeled ‘Meritocracy’, is quite clear:

Photo Credit: La República

Enter Indian businessman and billionaire Anand Mahindra, who saw the cartoon and was struck by its shocking accuracy because he’d recently helped babysit his year-old grandson for part of a week and remembered life can be hard when you have to work at work AND at home. So he tweeted about it.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Naturally, people had some things to say.

Photo Credit: Twitter

They weren’t exactly… satisfied with his callout.

Photo Credit: Twitter

It got so lit that someone even tossed out a #FeminismIsCancer tag for good measure (just before tagging an Indian men’s rights organization).

Photo Credit: Twitter

Of course, some people also spoke out in favor of his comment as well.

Photo Credit: Twitter

And finally, there was the person who actually pointed out that stay-at-home mothers are already working women.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Where do you stand on the whole issue?

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