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This Woman Live-Tweeted the Entire Viking Sky Cruise Ship Ordeal

By now, most of you have probably heard about the Viking Sky cruise ship that was stranded off the coast of Norway after it lost power.

But what most of you probably don’t know is that on board that ship was a true hero, a shining example of humanity who goes by the name of Alexus Sheppard.

Photo Credit: @alexus309

Alexus basically live-tweeted the entire clusterf*** as it was all going down.

Her videos had us all SHOOK.

Those waves were no joke!

As the world anxiously watched on, Alexus kept us all constantly updated.

Photo Credit: @alexus309

Even with her battery dying and probably very few options to charge her phone, she documented the whole thing.

Photo Credit: @alexus309

Photo Credit: @alexus309

Photo Credit: @alexus309

BUT WAIT, that’s not all! You see, she was also SIMULTANEOUSLY tweeting about gay rights in Tennessee!

So while everyone else onboard was looking haggard, Queen Alexus was lookin’ like this:


Eventually, conditions started to improve…

… And everyone made it safely to shore.

Before she was even on dry land again, Alexus was already tweeting about Mayor Pete.

I think it’s safe to say we all have a new gay icon now, and her name is Alexus Sheppard.


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