Do you ever found yourself scrolling through the online profiles of people who your partner used to date?

What do you think compels us to do that? Is it jealousy? Insecurity? Curiosity? Are we maybe hoping to learn something about ourselves based on what we find in our partners’ former partners?

Whatever the reason, if you’ve been there, you’re not alone. Here are ten anonymous confessions from women who feel the same.

10. Check it out

Revenge is a dish best…not served sometimes.

Source: Whisper

9. Compare and contrast

“How do I stop?”

Source: Whisper

8. Obsessed

But she’s not with him, you are.

Source: Whisper

7. Happily married

“I just want to be the best for him.”

Source: Whisper

6. No idea

It’s a mystery only a psychologist could solve.

Source: Whisper

5. Just her

Oh, obsessed in THAT way.

Source: Whisper

4. Suffocating

That’s some toxicity ya gotta get away from.

Source: Whisper

3. Killer time

That’s the past, this is the present.

Source: Whisper

2. Not even sorry

Still kinda confusing though, isn’t it?

Source: Whisper

1. Feeling ugly

We all get that way from time to time.

Source: Whisper

I don’t know why we put ourselves through these things, but if you find yourself trapped in any kind of obsessive cycle, it’s probably a good bet to speak with a therapist about it. Deciphering the issue might be easier than you think. A little expertise goes a long way.

Have you ever experienced something like this? Have you been there before?

Tell us about it in the comments.