While we may think most squirrels eat nuts, we call all agree these squirrels are nuts! Here’s an assortment of squirrels eating random things.
“Why?” you may ask. To which I respond, “Why not?” Duh.
11. The Hamburglar
Photo Credit: Twitter, @skymacknine
10. Pick up or delivery?
Photo Credit: Twitter, @MikMarieHall
9. Doughnut Judge Me
Photo Credit: Twitter, @gytrashh
8. “Paw” lickin’ good
Photo Credit: Twitter, @fubarpops
7. Can he get some honey mustard?
Photo Credit: Twitter, @captain__morgss
6. Neato burrito!
Photo Credit: Twitter, @positivelyjules
5. We all deserve a little whoppie
Photo Credit: Twitter, @camelievazque
4. This is what “guac” bottom looks like
Photo Credit: Twitter, @_saroh
3. Caught red-handed
Photo Credit: Twitter, @blithewine
2. Let’s taco ’bout it
Photo Credit: Twitter, @bellzkells
1. Where’s the syrup?
Photo Credit: Twitter, @Beforehand
You’re welcome!