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10 Hilarious Internet Burns We Wanted to Share With You

Via: Memphis_Gaming on Reddit

The dangerous thing about spending any time on the internet, or even just be represented there, is that the whole world is gonna get an opportunity to sling burns your way and there’s really nothing you can do about it.

The good news is that burns are also getting slung in other directions, and we all get to enjoy that part, which is what I plan on doing right now as I laugh along with these 10 great internet insults that we just had to share with you.

10. Getting Zuck’d

Hello fellow healthy human, please allow me entrance into the shelter abode.

9. Who lives in a pineapple?

If your favorite artist is Lil Pump, I don’t hate you, but I’ll also never understand you.

8. The countdown

I’ll give him this, he looks dang good for a guy in his 50’s. The goatee’s a little much, though.

7. Bombardment!

This is information I didn’t know that I needed.

6. The nose knows

He’d probably be the first to agree with this statement.

5. Body art

Is his belly supposed to be California? Is this a map?

4. The next king of late night

Well played, well played.

3. Can’t top that

On with her head!

2. Take a walk

Do you think she has a team of writers for these things? I mean it is a TV show, after all.

1. Quiet down, you

Hey, when you’re right, you’re right.

Now those are some quality burns right there. Better call the burn unit and invite them to…this…web page.

What’s the best burn you’ve seen lately?

Tell us in the comments.

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