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10 Landlords That Are Really Doing Awful at Their Jobs


Landlords. They’re the best, right?

I reached out to mine recently to find out what options were available for my upcoming lease expiration. That was a week ago. I’ve heard nothing. But that’s fine. I mean shoot I’ve got almost two entire months to figure it out, no worries, right?

These are the fun adventures of having a less than attendant or less than interested landlord in charge of the place you live.

And some of these people on Reddit definitely know where I’m coming from with that.

10. No alarms and no surprises

You know what they say, safety first.

9. A hot tip

If there’s water coming out of the facet but it’s not hot, it’s super unlikely the culprit is going to be in the sink plumbing itself.
I know nothing about anything and even I know that.

8. Supa hot fire

I think the best part of this is that he didn’t even go with like a LARGE container of water.

7. I spied her

Hello there, the angels from my nightmares.

6. Tour at your own risk

Yeah cool we’ll just stand at attention for 84 hours a week and wait.

5. Fixed it

I’m sorry, but are you living in a property managed by The Cat in the Hat?

4. One-time offering

“Ok here’s a 35 cent stamp so you can send me a fifteen hundred bucks but JUST THIS ONCE, MERRY CHRISTMAS!”

3. Minty fresh

Yeah, that totally oughta do it.

2. Keep it hush hush

Alright well this is clearly just a dad joke.

1. 12 hours away

There is so much to unpack here that I could, ironically, probably write a masters thesis on it.

Thanks for nothin’, landlords!

What’s your crazy housing story?

Tell us in the comments.

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