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10 Of the Strangest Products Capitalism Ever Blessed Us With

Via: unfetteredmind76 on Reddit

Living in a hyper-capitalist superpower of a country is a very strange thing indeed. There’s all sorts of pros and cons that could be debated for days, but one thing’s for sure: it produces a lot of weird crap.

Everybody’s trying to make a buck, to find a niche, to create something that somebody somewhere will just BUY. And this ends up expanding WAY beyond the practical and even the luxurious into the just plain bizarre.

So here, courtesy of Reddit, are 10 things that probably shouldn’t exist, but they do anyway.

10. Coffee Off Board Motor

Warning: jittery waters ahead.

9. A Rubik’s Chest

This is kind of cool, actually. Assuming the person you’re giving it to can solve one of these easily. Otherwise it’s cruel.

8. Cowboy Heels

Oh like…like figuratively AND literally.

7. Rock Paper Scissors (the card game)

And here I’ve been using my hands for free like an idiot!

6. Shower Toilet

What maddening set of circumstances led to this engineering?
We can’t know. There’s just no way to know.

5. The AAAA Keyboard

You’ve tried the best, now look at the rest.

4. The Monopoly Wall

Monopoly was, ironically, originally created as a gamified illustration of the systems that create drastic wealth inequality.

3. Portable Fish Tank

I’m guessing this is probably for like…researchers? Aquariums?
But it’s probably just for like, Dave.

2. Tesla Tequila

Just don’t invent an entire underground tube distribution system just for it, ok Elon?

1. The Cat Poop Calendar

Because screw you, that’s why.


I think I’m done window shopping for now.

Would you buy any of these products? Why or why not?

Tell us in the comments.

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