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10 of the Weirdest Products You’d Never Want

Source: heluhowyalldun on Reddit

You know how most video games anymore have some sort of in-game currency, and after you’d played it for dozens and dozens of hours you’ve got so much of the stuff you don’t even know what to do with it, so you just start buying up every single item you come across even though you have no use or desire for it?

This list contains items so bizarre and off-putting, that even in that scenario, you’d probably pass on them.

Except they’re real. They truly exist in the actual world. God have mercy on us all. Especially the Reddit people who brought these to our attention.

10. The toaster and the hare

How is this sinister somehow? Like, why do I feel that rabbit is daring me to use him?

9. Shrimp lens

I don’t even know how to come up with puns or wordplay or jokes about this.
Just. Why. Don’t?

8. Hail Caesar

When you feel like the room just needs a little dressing.

7. Sofa king weird

Pretty uncomfortable actually. Little too stiff.

6. Soldier on

Oh cool, a dystopian nightmare from which I can’t awake.

5. Ratatouille

Dinner is served.

4. This

You might want to lower your expectations.

3. Neat knit

I’m pretty sure this is just a photo from one of the Rick & Morty parallel universes.

2. Gotta hand it to ya

This is how you know you’ve got entirely too much money.

1. The nose knows

When you’re hitting the beach at noon but you’ve got a masquerade ball at 1:00.

Yikes. Just. Yikes.

What’s the weirdest item you’ve seen around lately?

Tell us in the comments.

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