Some things are. Some things are not. But not all that is should be, and not all that should be, is.

I wish I could tell you that’s a profound proverb from some ancient holy text but it’s really just my sleep-deprived way of telling you that there are certain things in this world that exist despite the fact that they really shouldn’t.

And when it comes to things that shouldn’t exist, you need generally look no further than Reddit. Prepare yourself for images most cursed.

10. It’s so fluffy

I mean…anatomically correct, I guess.

Pretty ballsy design choice for a child’s toy.
byu/Cmdr_Nemo inATBGE

9. The world turned upside down

A house divided against itself cannot stand.

A house is built with bricks a home is built with love
byu/Cunny1989 inATBGE

8. Too tired

When grandma finds a new hobby and REALLY gets into it.

Crocheted spare tire cover
byu/The_DragonDuck inATBGE

7. I love lamp

This is like a scarecrow, but for people.
I am afraid of this.

This must have piece of home decor
byu/Drunksnortsss inATBGE

6. Rub Club

Dang. In public and everything, huh?

I’d go but my hands are full.
byu/JerryInKy inWTF

5. Life finds a way

This is really cool actually, I like this.

Why are there waves in my wine?
byu/BlasphemousButler inATBGE

4. Say “verily” again, I dare you

Are those bullet holes in that thing?

(repost from r/funny) “I don’t remember where I found this but it’s gorgeous”
by inATBGE

3. Hot licks

When you want to be clear about just how much you reject authority.

Middle finger guitar
byu/NobonnoboN inATBGE

2. Egg

If I sit on this, I’m going to be eaten by it.
I don’t know how I know that, it’s just a deep, deep instinct.

byu/zoltecrules inATBGE

1. Toe to toe

We’ve gone and done it now.

Pandemic keeping you from the salon? Problem solved!!!
byu/he-loves-me-not inWTF

I’m not a religious man, but after looking at all those, I feel like I need to go somewhere to be blessed, maybe?

If you were forced to pick one of those things to have as your own, which would it be?

Tell us in the comments.