You know how sometimes you get bored on like, a deeply personal level?

It’s the kind of thing that might lead to getting on Tinder and messing around, trying to find someone to connect with, less out of a need for love and more just out of a feeling that, hey, it’s something to do.

I think that the primary force behind the kinds of conversation screenshots that we see on this page today. It’s a beautiful thing, really, the need to feel good.

10. The Investigator

This is why you need to turn on two-factor authentication, folks.
Your personal info is way, way easier to find than you think it is.

How did you know I was a painter?!
byu/MikeFromKamloops inTinder

9. “I’ll Prolly Turn Gay”

Yup, that’s what generally does it. Being straight but having a slightly taller wife. That is how sexuality works.

What are the chances?
byu/LotusLizz inTinder

8. What a Croc

The dynamic at play here is both mysterious and frightening.

Crocs are finally good for something
byu/LemonPFC inTinder


I like how she resisted it for all of .2 seconds.

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
byu/patsfan5101 inTinder

6. Do the Math

I do not understand this but I’m sure smarter people do and that’s what matters.

I think I found the one
byu/pythzon inTinder

5. A Quick Clarification

Thank goodness, at first I thought you were some kind of weirdo.

I can’t take compliments.
byu/fetter_indy inTinder

4. Living and Learning

That was the last day of the rest of my life.

Matched with the first boy I ever kissed, I wasn’t sure if he would remember
byu/blazedddleo inTinder

3. Mascot Theory

“We’re not supposed to tell people,” he said to probably the 7th stranger that day.

Perks of being my school’s mascot
byu/Yaksho inTinder

2. In the Hood

That is how you say olive you.

The pick up line with a 99% success rate
byu/oAkimboTimbo inTinder

1. Huh


Dammit Karen!
byu/grivera12417 inTinder

To all those who seek love and feeling, I salute you. May you find success on your long, weird journey.

What’s your worst date story?

Tell us in the comments.