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10 Tinder Conversations From People Who Are Just Trying to Feel Something

Source: blazedddleo on Tinder

You know how sometimes you get bored on like, a deeply personal level?

It’s the kind of thing that might lead to getting on Tinder and messing around, trying to find someone to connect with, less out of a need for love and more just out of a feeling that, hey, it’s something to do.

I think that the primary force behind the kinds of conversation screenshots that we see on this page today. It’s a beautiful thing, really, the need to feel good.

10. The Investigator

This is why you need to turn on two-factor authentication, folks.
Your personal info is way, way easier to find than you think it is.

9. “I’ll Prolly Turn Gay”

Yup, that’s what generally does it. Being straight but having a slightly taller wife. That is how sexuality works.

8. What a Croc

The dynamic at play here is both mysterious and frightening.


I like how she resisted it for all of .2 seconds.

6. Do the Math

I do not understand this but I’m sure smarter people do and that’s what matters.

5. A Quick Clarification

Thank goodness, at first I thought you were some kind of weirdo.

4. Living and Learning

That was the last day of the rest of my life.

3. Mascot Theory

“We’re not supposed to tell people,” he said to probably the 7th stranger that day.

2. In the Hood

That is how you say olive you.

1. Huh


To all those who seek love and feeling, I salute you. May you find success on your long, weird journey.

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