We all need a little bit of wholesome in our lives. Actually, we all need a LOT of it. It’s the least we can do as far as countermeasures to all the awful with which we find ourselves surrounded.
Lucky for us, there is a whole genre of memes that are very wholesome, and they’re FREE! Because they’re memes!
Take a hearty dose of some now and contemplate the kindness.
10. Pushing my buttons
The secret ingredient is getting to the point. 🙂

Via: Pleated Jeans
9. The Matchmaker
One of the lesser known Marvel heroes, but an important one nonetheless.

Via: Pleated Jeans
8. Praise the chub
Their gods were in many ways more human than we’ll allow ourselves to be.

Via: Pleated Jeans
7. That confident stride
He take an biiiiig steppy.

Via: Pleated Jeans
6. Run for it
“I heard you were hungry, I came as fast as I possibly could, here’s some goulash.”

Via: Pleated Jeans
5. The big lie
Sometimes, it can be used as a force for undeniable good.

Via: Pleated Jeans
4. The connection
It doesn’t matter that it’s not normal, it’s yours and that’s what counts.

Via: Pleated Jeans
3. A leetle kees
There doesn’t have to be a reason, there just has to be a kiss.

Via: Pleated Jeans
2. Worth it
You know I got that thang on me.

Via: Pleated Jeans
1. Why not indeed
The one ring was kindness all along.

Via: Pleated Jeans
We hope you have a wholesome day!
What’s something nice that’s happened for you recently?
Tell us in the comments.