Nobody likes to be at work. Well, ok, not NOBODY, there are those weirdos out there who show up to an office every day and legitimately say “I love my job,” but these people are sociopathic and deranged. There is nothing behind their eyes, they may not be human, and they should under no circumstances be trusted.
However, for the rest of us, it’s not so much a matter of loving our jobs as just kinda making the best of the fact that you have to be there. And the internet is absolutely full of examples of great ways to do that, which you can look at instead of doing your job at work.
Here are a few ways to spice up work:
13. Be a hero
They said I had to wear a mask, they didn’t specify what it had to look like.

Via: The Chive
12. Drink up
The heck kind of job site is this?

Via: The Chive
11. Set up a feast for one
Oh cool, the nastiest thing I’ve ever seen.
Via: The Chive
10. Treat it like a gift
Oooo, I wonder what’s inside?
Via: The Chive
9. Take a break
Look at me, I’m the king of New York!
Via: The Chive
8. Achieve some work-life balance
You gotta keep yourself entertained one way or another.
Via: The Chive
7. Get creative with your desk
If you’re already made of money, that is.
Via: The Chive
6. Get REALLY creative with your desk
This is just the budget version of it.
Via: The Chive
5. Add turtle power
He’s really helping out.
Via: The Chive
4. Get someone to sub in
Good ol’ reliable Mike.
Via: The Chive
3. Keep an eye on your coworkers
Thanks, I hate it.
Via: The Chive
2. Behold the power of Christmas
I find your lack of wreaths disturbing.
Via: The Chive
1. Slow down
And hang with a very chill dude.
Via: The Chive
Now get out here and make work fun again!
What’s the best thing about your job?
Tell us in the comments.