At first I thought Tinder was just sort of a punchline, but over time people started to assure me that they’d met their partner/soulmate there, and I started to think “huh, maybe this thing is pretty neat after all.”
Then I started seeing all the memes and realized once again that it was, in fact, a punchline. Just take these Reddit screenshots for example.
14. The checklist
I wish you both the best of luck in finding the unicorns you seek.
13. Carry me home
Why are people even on this app.
12. A classy time
Again, WHY are people on this app?
11. Desperation
“I meant um…that’s the name of your cologne, right?”
I’m in 😎
byu/FastAbsorbing inTinder
10. So close, so far
A picture really is worth a thousand words.
9. Train of thought
Get as far away from this man as you can.
How dare this man
by inTinder
8. Between jobs
Just say “freelancing.” If you don’t specify, most people won’t bother asking any more.
7. Goose egg
I’m pretty sure that means you’re just talking to a child.
Thief backfire
by inTinder
6. Copy and paste
I’m sorry, how is that cute?
[deleted by user]
by inTinder
5. A match made in heaven
Oh man. Don’t blow this with Jeff. Anyone but Jeff.
4. The pure bloods
Yeah this is creepy as all get out, don’t start a conversation like this.
Actually don’t middle or end a conversation like this either.
3. Keep on truckin’
Why did the two of you match? WHY ARE PEOPLE ON THIS APP?!
Some dudes just be on here to project their insecurities
byu/E3-Owl inTinder
2. Time for a pick me up
Zero points for imagination there, bud.
1. The irony is palpable
“Ah, by being rude after I was rude, you’ve proven my point that rudeness is bad.”
Spotted on Facebook. She may be onto something 🤔
byu/ihart6 inTinder
Now get out there and get swiping.
What’s your favorite thing about the dating world?
Tell us in the comments.