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14 Restaurants You Might Not Want to Visit Anytime Soon

Source: pabloiswatching you / yuiojmncbf on Reddit

They say that the restaurant business is pretty cut-throat and difficult to survive. Which I have to counter by saying that Red Lobster somehow brings in billions of dollars in revenue per year. Explain THAT with your precious science.

But, difficult or not, there appear to be some restaurants that are almost actively goading you into never coming back. Today we’re going to look at a few such examples from the people of Reddit, who might not recommend these particular eateries.

14. Hand starter

Yes I have a question. I’d raise my hand to ask it, but…

13. The print

What is it with these fancy places and hand stuff?
Also, what is it with my phrasing just now?

12. If the glove don’t fit

At least we know they’re being clean?

11. Water you doing?

Any drink that looks like that and isn’t lemonade needs to go away.

10. Monsoon

The food in there must be absolutely FIRE.

9. Egg Slut

I know nothing about this place except that I would likely thoroughly dislike the clientele.

8. What happens in Vegas…

Will cost you $25 a pop, apparently.

7. Do the math

…ok, but like, I can still poop in here right?

6. The fight?

Um…excuse me?

5. Fly away

Memorialized forever.



3. Footlong

I don’t want those toasted, thank you.

2. What’s going on?

Nevermind, the less I know the better.

1. Night cook

Oh I’m sorry, is it a CRIME to be COOL now?

So, these might be places to stay away from. Forever.

What’s your weirdest restaurant story?

Tell us about it in the comments.

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