I’ve never actually seen Benjamin Button, but if somebody could figure out a way to make the whole reverse-ageing thing a reality, I’d really appreciate it.

I’d lean into childhood so much better this time, because being a grown up? It’s a scary world.

What is an adult problem that nobody prepared you for?
by inAskReddit

There’s a whole lot the adults of Reddit weren’t ready for, that’s for sure.

1. The incessant flow of bills

Phone, water, electricity, insurance, rent/mortgage Also, college debt.

Oh, and dental care. Kurt Vonnegut had it right when he said the trouble with getting older is you outlive your teeth.

– Zealousideal_Hand693

2. Caring for yourself when you’re sick

Like when you were younger your parents would get the medicine, or the medicine cabinet would just be stocked all the time, etc.

But here I am with a cold having to build up the energy to go to the supermarket to buy some aspirin and throat lozenges all by myself.

– niwawhatuira

3. Careers

As a kid you hear ‘what do you want to be when you grow up?’ and it’s always ‘nurse, doctor, fireman, game designer’ etc. Which is all so simple.

But then when you do start training/ working in that career and you realize you don’t like it.. it just feels like such a terrifying thing to now have to think of a new career identity.

I’m pretty sure most of us spend a lot of time working through this ‘crap, my career isn’t viable, what do I do?’ and come to the conclusion that yeah, it actually does make you more sane working in a shop or whatever, then going home at night having paid the bills and not stressing.

It’s the realization that really takes time

– FoxesStoleMyGloves

4. A lack of community

Growing up you have your elementary school. Each day you see your friends and participate in activities together. Sometimes they move away and sometimes you do, but it largely stays the same through high school and middle school. Flash forward to adulthood and you’re just alone. You want to make friends IRL, but have no idea how to go about doing it without seeming creepy, desperate, or god knows what.

This is really hard when you are not overtly religious so you cannot join a religious community. My friend and I talk about this from time to time, it’s arguably the hardest thing to deal with in life. It gets worse the longer you live, as you know you are outliving your generation.

– Nevek_Green

5. Just deciding stuff

Making important life decisions.

When you’re young you have a safety net but when you’re an adult you’re taking on risk that can influence successive years of your life.

(Same goes for single vs family)

– Convex_Cube

6. Childish office politics

My first employer was a young tech company. Aside from the big wigs (president, vice president, etc) the majority of the company was younger than 30. And it was a blast. Everyone got along usually.

My current employer most people are above 40’s. And it is like high school drama all over again. So much political BS and the majority of leaders act like entitled children. So much scapegoating and name blaming. So many fake people and relationships.

I don’t get it.

– thedeathmachine

7. Putting up with the crap

Having to put up with so much crap from people in higher positions even though they’re less competent than you. Because you need that paycheck.

And as you get older, sometimes life circumstances trap you there.

– peuxcequeveuxpax

8. When does it start?

I’m not sure when I will start feeling like an adult. I’m 40, married, and own a house. But I don’t feel like an adult.

Maybe there’s a checklist or a guidebook I can read or something

– thecatsmeowings

9. Decisions, decisions

The number of decisions I have to make.

As a kid, you never have a lot of choice in what’s for dinner, what to do on the weekend, where you live, your household income, what to do when your vehicle makes a funny noise, etc.

Now that I have to look after all those things, I just wish someone would come along and tell me what to do half the time.

– ghostly_kitten

10. No safety net for sickness

Fearing getting sick and not having enough sick days, causing me to lose my job and the insurance that would’ve helped me get better from being sick.

And related, wondering why I lose so much of my paycheck to health insurance but then having to pay out of pocket and never hitting the maximum where my insurance actually pays anything.

– Tophertanium

11. Hours on the phone

Spending hours on the phone arguing with insurance companies, cell phone companies, telecom companies, student loan companies when they mischarge you.

– RosesFernando

12. Even when you’re right, things go wrong

I have posted this before but I was not prepared for making the sensible “right” decision my whole life and still have everything fall apart.

Lost my job, husband left, became a single parent, had major surgery, entered a pandemic, and had all 3 of my kids develop significant mental health issues.

– 143019

13. Living with regret

After growing up, I realized I was that bad kid/ friend.

I felt like s**t and wanted to apologize. I was just being me.

After growing up, you realize your personality, and try to tailor it more.

I remember going to an old friends house a decade later, my knocks were ignored.

I can hear the parents talking not to answer because it was me. I understood.. and never came back.


14. The fact it’s all a facade

Adults aren’t really more mature than most teenagers or twenty somethings in their early years, they just have more responsibilities to tend to and can’t indulge in all the stupid s**t they used to.

Sure some grow out of hobbies or interests but for every person who acts super mature I know people who just are basically responsible 15 year olds. My dad sure was one.

– TheNoidbag

15. The never ending cleaning

I feel like I’m just cleaning all the time and the house it still the same level of dirty.

Or it looks really nice for maybe a couple hours.

Then meal time comes around or I spend some time on the couch (I’m not even doing anything how do I need to vacuum again already???) and BAM it’s a g**damn mess again

– EntertheHellscape

I feel that last one pretty hard. My apartment is a crazy mess right now and I can’t seem to find time to do anything about it. Blerg.

Which one do YOU relate to the most?

Tell us in the comments.